Fire Suppression is the act of reducing the amount of heat released by extinguishing, controlling, or preventing a fire by means of direct and sufficient application of chemicals, water, or other applications where seen fit.Uses a dry chemical powder which acts to smother the fire. The powder is stored in a pressurized tank; when the system is acti
Yangın Sistemleri - Genel Bakış
Yang?n alarm ve alg?lama sistemlerinin çk?z?l??mas?na bakacak olursak uyar? sistemleri olas? bir yang?nda, yang?n dedektörleri, yal?n dedektörleri, ?s? dedektörleri ve yang?n ihbar butonlar? yard?m?yla ?iddetleca tespit ederek en k?saltarak zamanda demetl? olduklar? merkezi yang?n alg?lama ve ihbar paneline iletmektedir.Mümkünl?k denetlemeü